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The Accidental Environmental Effects of the Coronavirus

Updated: Jan 26, 2024

What a year this past couple of weeks has been.  The effects of the Covid-19 global pandemic

have been devastating, eye opening, and even a little boring for those who are sitting at home and waiting for it to pass.  As a solar company in Denver, Colorado, we would like to shine a light on the accidental positive effects the coronavirus has had on the environment and what it means for the future of solar energy. 


solar panels in Denver Colorado
One of our solar installations with a view of the Rocky Mountains

Perhaps the first international news about lower greenhouse gas emissions came from China, way back in February.  This article from CarbonBrief famously noted that China’s carbon dioxide emissions “fell by around 20% over a four week period.”  Whereas this sounds like an incredible feat, it should be noted that the reduction will only reduce the overall emission volume by about 1% for the course of the year.  Granted, 1 percent down is great, as 2019 produced an all-time high for greenhouse gas emissions.

Here in the United States, coronavirus has spread rapidly through March and April.  According to Wired, gasoline sales are down 25%, but diesel sales (largely due to delivery trucks still running) have stayed stable.  Plus, carbon monoxide emissions from vehicles in New York City have been cut in half.  Electricity use, however, “has declined a bit, but nowhere near as dramatically as with fuel supplies.”  This is largely because instead of driving into the office, we are still working, but just using the electricity at home.     

So what if every home had solar on it?  Well according to the New York Times, “The renewable-energy business is expected to keep growing, though more slowly, in contrast to fossil fuel companies, which have been hammered by low oil and gas prices.”  Over in Germany, pollution clear skies led to a record month for solar power production.  With uncertainty in the stock market, steady returns from solar farms are attracting more than ever.

That’s right, the sun is still shining and solar is thriving.  If you are a home or business owner interested in going solar in Colorado or Wyoming, feel free to contact us today.  We are currently offering virtual assessments to see how much money (and emissions) you can save by going solar.  


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